Below is the 2023 program!
Wednesday, Oct. 18th
19:30 h Teatre Principal
Opening Gala
UN AMOR, 127 min, ES w/Eng subs
Thursday, Oct. 19th
10:00 h - 12:00 h
Estudi General Lul·lià,
Filmmaker Welcome Coffee
12:00 h - 13:30 h
Estudi General Lul·lià,
Film Talk with Isabel Coixet & Bet Rourich
16:00 h - 17:00 h
Rívoli Aficine,
Masterclass with Erik Messerschmidt, ASC
16:00 h, Cineciutat Sala 2
New Talents Shorts #1, 85min
Idrissa Abara, Jordi Rullan Bisbal
Dandelion, Ling Zhao, Zhengwu Gu
Granica, Joshua Neubert, Germany
Blue Hour, J.D Shields
Esmeralda, Jennifer Greco
Cycles, Milena Mooradian
Penny's Gallery, Taylor Houston Garcia
16:00 h, Rivoli Aficine
Cinematography Masterclass, 60min
With Erik Messerschmidt
18:00 h, Rivoli Aficine
The Killer + VIP Q&A, 120min
Baleares Premiere
Dir. David Fincher
2023, USA, 118 min
Eng w/Es sub
18:15 h, Cineciutat Sala 2
Doc Shorts International 90min
Everything Happens Here, Dir Andrew Southam
Sons of Africa, Dir Julio Pérez del Campo, Carles Bover
What If Women Ruled the World?, Dir Giulia Magno
From Sweden, With Love, Dir Muhammad Umar Saeed
Once Again, Dir Giulia Di Maggio
20:30 h, Cineciutat Sala 2
Shorts "Love", 78min
The Last Take, Dir. Brian Foyster
The Stupid Boy, Dir.Phil Dunn
Before Madrid, Dir. Ilén Juambeltz, Nicolás Botana
I killed Lucca, Dir. Ana Moreno Hernández
A summer with Carolina, Dir. Jairo González
21:00 h, Cineciutat Sala 1
The Pod Generation , 110 min
Spanish Premiere
Dir. Sophie Barthes
2023, UK, 110 min
Eng no subtitles
Friday, Oct. 20th
Rívoli Aficine,
Cinematography Focus Panels
10:00 h - 11:30 h
1# Intro to Virtual Production
11:30 h - 12:00 h
Coffee Break
12:00 - 13:30 h
2# The creative process of a film from a Cinematography perspective
16:00 h Cineciutat Sala 1
Earthbound: Nzambi Matee, Doc
Spanish Premiere
Dir. Farhoud Meybodi
2022, Japan, 48min
Eng w/Es sub
16:15 h Cineciutat Sala 2
New Talents Shorts #2, 94min
Requiem, Emma Gilbertson
Bienvenido Juanito, Anna Lo Westlin
Mia Moglie, Ana Liébana
Porcelain, Cameron Mitchell
The dreamer, Bella Rose
Sand Mama, Catherine Loerke
17:30h Cineciutat Sala 1
LGTBQIA+ Shorts (81min)
Between Her, Dir Bar Cohen
To All the Girls I Could've Loved Before, Dir Adolfo Mena Cejas
Wake up, Dir Cecilia Gessa
Aban, Dir Abbas Taheri, Mahdieh Toosi
Reflections, Dir Kane Kwik
18:15 h Cineciutat Sala 2
Beach House, MIB, 84min
Dir. Hèctor Hernández Vicens
2023, Spain, Cat, Eng, Rus w/Es sub
18:30 h Lul·lià
MIB Doc Shorts, 60min
El Día Que Volaron La Montaña, Alba Bresolí
Diari D'un Operador Cinematogràfic, Dani Seguí Florit
Garingola, Antonia Pujol
Uns segons en cel·luloide, Ferran Bex Castell
19:00 h Cineciutat Sala 1
Comedy Shorts, 70min
Good Bad Luck, Dir Vadym Medvediuk
Spag bol, Dir BRICK
[subtext], Dir Erin Brown Thomas
Do Not Touch, Dir James Newman, Harrison Newman
The Vacation, Dir Jarreau Carrillo
Hollywood Method, Dir Rainer Lipski
19:45 h Cineciutat Sala 2
I am not DOC, 90min
Spanish Premiere
Dir. Tomer Heymann
2023, Israel, Hebr, Eng w/Eng sub
Drive in Cinema
Cine Con Coche
Port Adriano
19:30 h, Grease
21:30h, The Fast and The Furious
20:00 h Lul·lià
I PUNK, MIB Doc, 100min
World Premiere
Dir. Dani Cuesta
2021, Spain, 100 min
Cat, Es w/Eng sub
21:30 h Cineciutat Sala 1
Perfect Days, 120min
Spanish Premiere
Dir. Wim Wenders
2023, Japan/Germany, Jap w/ Es sub
21:45 h Cineciutat Sala 2
LaRoy, 120 min
Spanish Premiere
Dir. Shane Atkinson
2023, USA, 111 min, Eng w/ Es sub
Saturday, Oct. 21st
11:00 - 12:30 h
Rívoli Aficine, Sala Gran,
Women in Leadership Panel
11:00 h Rívoli Aficine
Films For Kids, 65 min
Saturday’s Apartment,Jeon Seung-Bae.
The Kitem, Martin Smatana.
Tide, Joana Rosa Bragança.
Maïja, Director: Arthur Nollet, Maxime Faraud, Mégane Hirth,
Pequeños Cortos - Cuidemos El Planeta, Carolina Mariana Feity
Camille, Denise Raquel Roldán
13:00 h - 14:30 h
Rialto Living
Cafe Con Cine
16:15 h Cineciutat Sala 1
Tomorrow Somewhere by the Sea, 80min
Spain Premiere
Dir. Patrick Büchting
2023, Germany, 80 min, Ger w/Es Sub
16:00 h Cineciutat Sala 2
Women and Roads. The Way to Yourself. Mallorca, 57min
Balearic Premiere
Dir. Kristina Kretova, Anna Kameneva
2023, MIB, Spain, 75 min
Rus, Eng, w/Es sub
17:45 h Cineciutat Sala 2
Ocean's Oblivion, MIB Doc, 70 min
Dir. Mirella R. Abrisqueta, MIB Doc, 2023, Fr, Monaco, Spain, Es w/Eng sub
18:00 h, Cineciutat Sala 1
MIB Shorts #A, 82min
Ben, Dir Miki Duran
La Nau, Dir Guillem Miró
Fiona, Dir Rafa Cortés
Happy Birthday Milton Pringle, Dir Luna Macarena campiglio redondo
Anecoica, Dir Marcos Callejo
19:45 h Cineciutat Sala 2
Spanish Shorts #1, 74min
Judit, Dir Ana Gago
To kill The Mother, Dir Omar Ayuso
24 Seven, Dir Santiago Requejo
Scrapyard, Dir Miguel Ángel Olivares
Daydreaming So Vividly About Our Spanish Holidays, Dir Christian Avilés
Cine Con Coche / Drive in Cinema
Port Adriano
19:30 h, Cars
21:30h, Rush
20:15 h Cineciutat Sala 1
The Kill Room, 120min
Spanish Premiere, Dir. Nicol Paone
2023, USA, 98 min, Eng w/ Es sub
22:30 h Cineciutat Sala 1
Shorts "Female Stories", 72min
Palestine 87, Dir Bilal Alkhatib
The Female Side Effect, Dir Alex Garcia Mallarini
Women visiting a city, Dir Enrique Buleo
El Gato Feo, Dir Daniel Fabelo
Swollen, dir Daniel Aranha Pedersen
21:45 h Cineciutat Sala 2
Music Videos 55 min
Tell me where to go
Feeling Crazy
Our House in On Fire
Everybody needs some loving
Pesto - VESPA
Labrinth - Kill For Your Love
Piropo (Catcall)
Roxane - Gone With The Wind
Souls / Almas
Tu sonrisa
My Meisie (Winnit)
Drug Bleed
To Exit
Sunday, Oct. 22nd
11:00 - 12:30 Rívoli Aficine
Panels #3: Green Film Talk
13:00 - 14:30 Rívoli Aficine
Panel #4: Casting and Producing: Love Affair or Fight? + The Future with AI.
Presented with The Actors Home
16:00 h Cineciutat Sala 3
Students Short Films MIB 50 min
Carlos Vaquer vs The Asterisks, Carlos Vaquer Pons
Qui sent música, Marina Rueda
Dansa Abissal, Margalida Batle Cladera
Chronicles of a sodium chloride grinder, Pau Amer Canyelles
Cloe, Paula Servera
Rastres, Marta Lladó Valens
16:00 h Cineciutat Sala 2
The Young Arsonists, 97min
Spanish Premiere
Dir. Sheila Pye
2023, Canada, Eng w/ Es sub
16:30 h Cineciutat Sala 1
MIB Shorts B, 90min
Found Stories Mallorca, Dir Iván Valen
The Premiere, Dir Júlia Castaño, Antonio Juan Galicia
The Perfect Woman, Dir Alisa Selishchava
Can you come?, Dir Rubén Capilla
Nerdy Driver, Dir Josel Antoni Ribas
Otra Historia de Fantasmas, Dir Alfonso Morrillas
Fantaterror, Dir Oscar RIP, Néstor Arranz
Les coses que mai et vaig dir, Dir Marina Rueda
18:00 h Cineciutat Sala 2
Dir. Nikolaj Arcel, 2023, Den, Swe, Nor, Ger, (Danish with English subtitles)
18:30 h Cineciutat Sala 1
Dir. Nikolaj Arcel, 2023, Den, Swe, Nor, Ger, (Danish with Spanish subtitles)
20:45 h Cineciutat Sala 2
You Sing Loud, I Sing Louder, 96min
Spanish Premiere,
Dir. Emma Westenberg
2023, USA, Eng w/ Es sub
21:30 h Cineciutat Sala 1
Six Weeks, 127min
Spanish Premiere, Dir. Noémi Veronika Szakonyi, 2023, Hungary, Hung, Eng w/Es Sub
22:45 h Cineciutat Sala 2
Experimental Short Films, 95min
Waltz, Lado Kvataniya, Georgia
I am Illegal, Meryem Lahlou
The Lovers Of Avignon, Manuel Fernández Ferro
Roses in the Night, Pencho Kunchev, Bulgaria
Your skin is the galaxy, Jose Domingo
In Search of Time, Matthew Tierney, Pierre Zandrowicz
The Alchemist, Robert Gwisdek, Germany
Cornerboy, Kai Kurve, Germany
AIKĀNE, Daniel Sousa, Dean Hamer, Joe Wilson
Monday, Oct. 23rd
11:00 h - 12:30 h
Rialto Living
Cafe Con Cine
13:00 h - 14:30 h
Estudi General Lul·lià
Film Talk with Susanne Bier
16:00 h Cineciutat Sala 1
Shorts "Hope", 95min
Stable, Dir David Leon
Servir, Dir Lea Maria Kruse
Paris 70, Dir Dani Feixas Roca
Such a Lovely Day, Dir Simon Woods
From Above, Dir Nicolaj Kopernikus
The Stairs, Dir Jessica Aquila Cymerman
16:15 h Cineciutat Sala 2
Maria and the lost movie, 60min
MIB Doc, Dir. Núria Abad Rivas, Marta Hierro Bravo, 2023,MIB Doc Spain, Cat, Es w/Eng sub
18:00 h Cineciutat Sala 1
Shorts "Dark Family", 95min
I have No tears, and I must cry, Dir Luis Fernando Puente
Ivalu, Dir Anders Walter, Pipaluk Kreutzmann Jørgensen
Bienvenidos a Los Angeles, Dir Lisa Cole
Beneath a Mother's Feet, Dir Elias Suhail
Between two islands, Dir Hideki Nakazaki
18:15 h Cineciutat Sala 2
The First Two, 82min
Spanish Premiere
Dir. Balázs Szövényi-Lux, 2023, Hungary, Eng, Hung w/Es sub, Q&A with Director
20:00 h Cineciutat Sala 1
In a Better World + VIP Q&A, 120min
Susanne Bier, 2010,
Denmark, Sweden,
Den, Swe, Eng, Arab w/ Es subs
20:00 h Cineciutat Sala 2
Sloane: A Jazz Singer, 90min
Spanish Premiere, Dir. Michael Lippert, 2023, USA, Eng w/Es sub
22:30 h Cineciutat Sala 1
New Talents Shorts #3, 85min
The End of The World, Aleksandra Podziewska, Czech Republic
Mirage, Salma Salem
Working Holiday, Iyanah Firdaus Bativala
In the rough (Matter Sommer), Julius Gintaras Blum
Die Happy, Oscar Simmons
The End of The World, Aleksandra Podziewska
22:30 h Cineciutat Sala 2
Spanish Shorts #2, 66min
Peine Y Tijeras, Dir Rafael Martinez Calle
Perdices, Dir Julieta Lasarte
Madreselva, Dir Nata Moreno
Tuesday, Oct. 24th
10:00 h - 16:00h
Mallorca Go!
Island Tour
18:30 h Palau de Congressos
Pre-Gala Networking Cocktail
19:30 h
Closing Gala, Film & Awards
23:00 h
Closing Night Party
Gerhardt Braun Gallery
Tickets Soon