Paneles, Charlas, etc.
Una serie de eventos educativos de primera clase y excelentes oportunidades de networking.

Thursday, 31.10.24
11:00 h - 12:30 h | Aficine Rívoli
Panel Talk
Panel moderated by
British Cinematographer

Thursday, 31.10.24
13:00 h - 14:00 h | Aficine Rívoli
Masterclass with Anthony Dod Mantle, DFF, BSC, ASC

Thursday, 31.10.24
15:00 h - 16:00 h | Cineciutat
Estrella Damm Lounge
Filmmaker Welcome Birra
A get together to meet your
fellow filmmakers.
Friday, 1.11.24
10:00 h - 11:30 h | Aficine Rívoli
Panel Talk
Panel moderated by
Camera & Light Magazine
"Nuevas narrativas cinematográficas" / " New Cinematography narratives"
Followed by Coffee Break

Friday, 1.11.24
12:00 h - 13:00 h | Aficine Rívoli
Film Talk
Film Talk
With Surprise Filmmaker
Sunday, 3.11.24
11:00 h - 12:30 h | Es Baluard
Panel Talk
Producers Club
New Spanish Indie Producers
Followed by Coffee Break

Sunday, 3.11.24
13:00 h - 14:30 h | Es Baluard
Panel Talk
Panel Talk
“Green Film Shooting Mallorca”
presented by the Fundacion Mallorca Turismo and the Mallorca Film Commission
Fabian Joest., Producer, Green Consultant and founder of Green Merit Media

Monday, 4.11.24
10:00 h - 11:00 h | Estudi Lul·Lià
“Road to Oscar” with Academy Award-Winning Producer Kim Magnusson

Monday, 4.11.24
11:30 h - 12:30 h | Estudi Lul·Lià
Film Talk
With Thomas Napper
Director of Widow Clicquot
Closing Night Film

Tuesday, 5.11.24
9:00 h - 16:00 h
Mallorca Go!
Mallorca Island Location Tour to Mallorca's most beautiful sites.